The Department of Kaumarbhritya deals with the diagnosis, prevention and cure ofchildhood diseases, nurturing mother, and care of mother after delivery thus ensuring better health of both mother and child. Kaumarbhritya or Bal Roga is one amongst the eight branches of ayurveda as described in the ancient treatises. Kaumarbhritya
is the science that provides preventive and curative measures from the fertilization of eggs upto the development and growth of children up to the age of 16 years.
According to Ayurveda, Kaumar means child of age 0 to 16 and Bhritya refers to care and hygiene. Kaumarbhritya is the backbone of Ayurveda and human sciences. Ayurvedic sages believe that care offered during this period is the spine of the whole life of an individual. Ayurveda considers Dhatri Stanya Dushti as causative factor of diseases during the neonatal life, i.e, in Ksheerada Avastha. The physiological
involvement of Dosh, Dhatu and Mala occurs differently in children as compared to adult, thus pediatric care needs utilization of several approaches for the successful treatment and management of early childhood diseases.
Department of Kaumarbhritya- Bal Roga (Paediatrics)
Kaumarbhritya is one of the most significant Branch of Ayurveda dealing with the care of the child from the conception to till the maturity It is one of the Eight Branches (Ashtang) of Ayurveda, which deals with both the preventive and curative nursing of both the child and the mother after delivery.
Medicinal knowledge of diseases and treatments described in Bal Roga has been researched and used in diseases with minimum complications and side effects in children. Now a day’s world is spinning to Ayurveda for child health and child immunity related issues and “Swarna Prashan” is well recognized Herbo-Mineral
formulation. In ancient India, Ayurveda principally pioneered children disease. Subjects of Swarna Prashan, child immunity, bladder stones, importance and properties of feeding, importance of mother milk, and the mal nutrition induced diseases have been schooled and observed in ancient texts of Ayurveda.
Other Clinical Facilities
Key Features of Department
Department Initiatives
Kaumarbhritya- Bal Roga (Paediatrics) Department possesses suitable number of models, charts, specimens, and instruments which aids in the teaching. The subject provides the undergraduate students of the second year, theoretical as well as practical teaching, training, and guidance in the subject of Kaumarbhritya.
Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma
Dr. Deepmala